- 1. So just what kind of organization is the Lions Club?
In 1950 the Lake Windermere District Lions Club was chartered by the Lions International organization as a Service club. We are a registered Society within British Columbia. In 2004 our club formed the Lake Windermere District Lions Foundation, which is a registered Charity. Membership in the foundation is gained through being a member of the Lake Windermere District Lions.
2. What is the difference between the Lions Club and the Lions Foundation?
The Lions Club operates as a service club, allowing it to raise funds and offer volunteer help to individuals and organizations in need. The club operates under the guiding policies of Lions International which is the largest volunteer organization in the world with over 1.3 million men and women members in 202 countries.
The Lions Foundation being a registered charity offers funds and assistance to groups and organization who qualify as registered charities as well. As a foundation we can issue tax receipts for donations to our various projects.
3. How do I become a member of the Lake Windermere District Lions Club?
Membership in any Lions club is by invitation. If you are interested in becoming a member or would like to know what is entailed, you can contact us by filling in our CONTACT FORM. If you know a lions member or see a member at one of our outings feel free to approach them. We welcome members of other Lions Clubs who have moved here or are here on a seasonal basis.
4. What happens at a Lions Club Meeting?
The Lake Windermere District Lions holds regular meetings the first and third Monday of each month, September – June. The club offers a catered meal at each of these meetings. After the meal the club conducts a business meeting to discuss current and on-going projects, recent requests for assistance and functions being conducted within the club and surrounding clubs. The club as well plans some social functions for members and family throughout the year, so these are discussed from time to time.
5. Do members have to attend all functions, meetings and work on all projects?
While it would be nice to have members attend all functions we realize there is more to one’s life then volunteering for Lionism. The expectation is for members to attend meetings as regular as possible and participate in as many projects as one’s life schedule can handle. The projects are quite fulfilling and rewarding! As for club functions these are a camaraderie get together and attendance is by choice.
6. Are there other Lions Clubs in the area?
Yes there are. The Lake Windermere District Lions covers an area from Spillimacheen to Windermere. The Fairmont Lions Club includes members from Fairmont Hot Springs to Canal Flats. There are Lions Clubs established in major centers throughout the East and West Kootenays. you. See our link to find other Lions Clubs.
7. What if I want to make a donation to the Lions Club for a worthy cause?
Throughout the year the Lions Club carries out several projects. If you have read or heard about a worthy cause the Lions Club is involved with you can either approach a member or inquire through one of our contacts on the Contact List for this website. If you are interested in finding out the various causes we are currently involved in, please use the Contact Us as noted above and we will pleased to answer your inquiry. We list current projects under our New & Events and under the Foundation headings within this website.